This is an overview of the main Bot Settings that will help you set up the ManyChat bot and customize it. Jump to Settings to proceed.
All the settings were divided into sub-sections.
This section covers the essential features any ManyChat account has, regardless of whether it's connected to Facebook, SMS, or Email.
Card URL Shortener (Pro feature) shortens URLs and records your messages CTR through Changing or disabling it requires a Pro subscription. We recommend not to disable Card URL Shortener because doing it will prevent ManyChat from providing the Click-Through Rate (CTR) data.
Account Time Zone can be set up to display and export various data according to the time you select there.
Clone to Another Page transfers all content of this bot to another page.
Use As Template. This feature allows you to create a template of the bot and then share it via the URL link.
The Contacts Visibility option can hide all deleted and unsubscribed contacts in Contacts and Live Chat tabs.
'Notify Admins' Action (Pro feature) enables three communication channels for admin notifications. When you assign a special action to a Button or Quick Reply, ManyChat will notify you via Messenger, email, or SMS in case your contact performs that action. Please note that the SMS option is available only for accounts with an SMS channel connected.
Live Chat Desktop Notifications. Enable instant popup notifications on your desktop about new messages and assigned conversations. If you don't see the notifications, check your system settings if notifications are on.
Live Chat Channel Notifications. Live Chat notifications to help you support your audience and track leads in channels connected below e.g. Mail, SMS, Telegram.
My email for notifications. Just add your email to receive notifications.
My Phone Number for Notifications. Add your phone number to receive notifications via SMS. Please note that this option is available only for accounts with an SMS channel connected.
Contact Reports option allows you to choose the frequency of updates on how your contact base is doing. You can choose Daily, Weekly, or Monthly updates.
Live Chat
Live Chat allows you to set 2 options for Live Chat:
- Any message starts a conversation option opens a new chat in the Live Chat section with any message from a contact (except Keywords).
- Conversation should be opened explicitly opens Live Chat with subscribed contact only when they perform an Action attached to a Button or Quick Reply (also can be started by an Admin when needed).
Close all opened conversations allows you to mark all opened conversations as Done.
Re-opened conversations setting allows you to assign re-opened conversations to the same agents that previously worked on it. When disabled (or if conversation was closed unassigned) a conversation will be opened and moved to the Unassigned folder.
Sound notifications. Enable or disable in-app sound alerts.
Snippet. Here you can set up pre-populated answers you can send to your contacts in the Live Chat with just one click. This feature is perfect for answering the frequently asked questions you already have replies to and don't want to spend time typing the same information again and again.
Here you can manage the admins of your ManyChat account. All users who have an access to a particular bot within ManyChat have one of four User Roles that define what sections of the ManyChat are available to them and can be changed. You can find detailed info in our help article - User Roles.
In this section, you can see if there are any issues with your bot's functioning. There are two tabs on this section - General and Facebook page restrictions.
- General tab display issues with Dynamic Block, External Request, and connection to the Facebook page
- Facebook page restrictions tab display warnings, blocks, and unblocks that occur with your Facebook page.
General tab
If no errors occurred, the tab will look like this:
In case something went wrong, you will see the red dot near the Settings tab - this is a signal that you need to check the Logs.
Inside the general tab, you will find the list of errors and fixes if they occurred.
When seeing an error marked in red, you can click on it for more details and instructions on how to fix it.
When the issue is fixed, you'll see the "success" note in the Logs.
Facebook page restrictions tab
Inside the Facebook page restrictions tab, you will find the list of warnings, blocks, and unblocks that occur with your page.
You can click on the row to see the reason text and recommendations on how to avoid blocking in the future.
This tab manages your subscription. You can cancel your subscription here, but I recommend you upgrading your subscription to Pro to use all these amazing ManyChat features.
If you need to see invoices for the particular page, all you have to do is to go to your ManyChat account => Choose the page in question => Settings => Billing and click the "View Invoice History" button.
Here you can see the role that ManyChat has on your page. Handover protocol enables two or more Facebook apps to participate in a conversation at the same time.
Here you will find a list of available channels that you'll use to communicate with contacts (Messenger, SMS, Email, WhatsApp, Instagram). You can also edit the channel settings.
Here you can manage the main elements of your bot in Messenger (FB Page). Items that are available for the editing are the following:
Greeting Text is shown to Facebook users before they start an interaction with your bot. This may be a brief description or a lead text to make your future contacts message your page. To instantly preview your message, just click on "See how it looks".
Please notice: You need an "Admin" status on your FB page in order to change the Greeting Text.

Keyboard Input can help you to disable keyboard input to make the persistent menu the only way for a person to interact with your Messenger bot. This might be useful if your bot has a very specific purpose or a set of options.
This feature doesn’t work if:
- A guest visitor is in the Incognito mode.
- A guest visitor uses a browser they have never used to log in to Facebook before.
- A guest visitor doesn’t have a Facebook account.
Personas in Live Chat - this option allows you to personalize conversations in your bot. Enable this feature to let your contacts know who replies back. They’ll be able to see agents’ names and their profile pictures.
Refresh Facebook Permissions. Messenger platform can unexpectedly drop page permissions on admin password change or due to its internal reasons. In case of any trouble with content sending or service setup, we recommend you to refresh permissions.
Disconnect Facebook Page turns your current page bot off by disconnecting ManyChat from that Facebook page. When disconnecting the bot, you don't have to worry about your bot content and Facebook subscribed contacts - they won't be lost! You'll be able to re-connect ManyChat to this Facebook page at any time and find all the content and subscribers exactly where you left them before.
NOTE: don't forget to cancel active Pro subscription first before disabling the bot.
Remove Facebook Page action is available only for the Owner of the ManyChat account. By clicking on this button and confirming the action you completely remove the Page from the current account. It gives an ability to connect to another Facebook page without losing Flows that you have created before in the account. But all Facebook subscribed contacts from the previous Facebook Page will be completely removed.
Here you can monitor your overall SMS status. In particular:
- Whether it is disabled or enabled
- Whether ToS are accepted
- What Phone Numbers your chatbot is using to send SMS from
- What shortener is used with links in your SMS
- Opt-out Text
Here you can monitor your overall Email status. In particular:
- Whether it is disabled or enabled
- Whether ToS are accepted
- What Contact Information (Company Name and Address) your chatbot is using to send Emails from
- What is your Default Sender's Name
- What is your Default Reply to Email
- If you're using the ManyChat's Branding
This tab contains settings that are related to the automated bot features.
Growth Tools
Widget Localization. Localize your widgets – 'Send Message' button and the first message in Customer Chat Growth Tool - by choosing a language from the list.
Authorize Websites allows you to add websites to your authorized list.
Branding - here you can turn off ManyChat branding in Embeddable Widgets, Overlay Widgets, and Landing Page Growth Tools.
Custom Fields allow you to create Custom Fields which can store any information about your contacts. For example, you ask for the contact's age, then get a reply, store it and use it whenever you want. Bot Fields (Global Fields) allow to store your bot data and set the values depending on your contact’s actions. They look like Custom User Fields but can store values that are related to your bot: texts, numbers, and formulas, date, and time.
You can change the view from the User Fields to Bot Fields on the top of this tab:
Here you can create new Tags and delete ones you no longer need. A tag is a way to segment your contacts. You can add and remove tags from contacts to indicate that they are a part (or not a part) of a certain group. You can also use tags to create different feeds of content inside your bot and use Main Menu to create subscription options. When a person clicks on the Subscribe button, you can automatically tag them with a special tag, for example, subscribed_to_weekly_updates and then do a weekly broadcast only for the tagged contacts.
Coupon Campaigns
This tab appears when you have Shopify integration connected to your Bot. More info about this feature can be found in the article that's designated to it.
Conversion Events
Here you can create and delete Conversion Events for your Pixel.
OTN Topics
Here you can create one-time notification topics for your flows. OTN topics act as a messaging content type tag for your flow's messages, but such messages can only be sent with the contact's explicit permission.
This section contains everything related to integrations and connecting ManyChat to other apps.
Here you are able to generate a token to start using ManyChat API and delete it if need be.
Here you are able to set up an integration with
On this tab, you can connect PayPal or Stripe account, select currency type for your Buy Button and select payments notifications type.
Order History for all purchases can also be found here.
Installed Templates
Under this tab, you will find all of the Templates installed on your page. Here you can see the content of the Templates, and also customize some of its parameters, such as Address, Phone number, etc.
In this section, you can set up your ManyChat Pixel.